scazza_: 8:30am
scazza_: going to see a lot of this in the next 9 hours
scazza_: desert foliage
scazza_: fresh
scazza_: markers
scazza_: desert
scazza_: morning sun
scazza_: attempt at a tree
scazza_: shroud
scazza_: desert life, morning
scazza_: beautiful moss
scazza_: rocky mountains
scazza_: morning sun reflections
scazza_: sunny day
scazza_: sunny stream
scazza_: I'm glad this was at the beginning of the day
scazza_: no path
scazza_: maroon red black moss
scazza_: climbing
scazza_: climber
scazza_: from the first climb
scazza_: one plateau
scazza_: shrouded
scazza_: revealed
scazza_: crater sky
scazza_: volcanic crater
scazza_: permasnow and crater
scazza_: views
scazza_: follow the stakes