scattered1: Fort Stevens Earthworks and Trench Outside of the Fort
scattered1: 30-Pound Parrott Rifle at Fort Stevens
scattered1: 30-Pound Parrott Rifles at Fort Stevens
scattered1: Civilian Civil War Reenactors
scattered1: Demonstrating How to Stack Rifles
scattered1: National Park Service Ranger Performs a Safety Check on a Reenactor's Rifle
scattered1: National Park Service Ranger Performs a Safety Check on a Reenactor's Rifle
scattered1: National Park Service Ranger Returns Rifle after a Safety Check
scattered1: Park Ranger Explains the History of Fort Stevens
scattered1: Plaque Commemorating President Abraham Lincoln Under Fire During the Battle of Fort Stevens
scattered1: Two Rebel Reenactors at Fort Stevens
scattered1: Union Breast Plate
scattered1: Dr. Frank Smith Talks about African Americans in the Civil War
scattered1: A Young Confederate Reenactor and His Prisoners
scattered1: Union Reenactors
scattered1: Two Eras of Soldiers
scattered1: Bugler from the 61st Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry
scattered1: Reenactors Drilling
scattered1: Biting Open Packets of Gunpowder
scattered1: Reloading Civil War Rifles
scattered1: Civil War Reenactors Firing Rifles
scattered1: Union Civil War Actors Play a Fife and Drum
scattered1: A National Park Service Expert Explains the History of Fort Stevens
scattered1: A National Park Service Expert on the Civil War Explains the History of Fort Stevens
scattered1: A Boy Climbs on a 30-Pound Parrott Rifle
scattered1: Two Members of the Victorian Dance Ensemble, the performing troupe of the Civil War Dance Foundation, Tour Fort Stevens
scattered1: Reenactors Stand Guard at Fort Stevens
scattered1: Reenactors Patrol at Fort Stevens
scattered1: A Reenactor Stands Guard at the Wall of Fort Stevens
scattered1: A Reenactor Patrols the Wall of Fort Stevens