jagerm: Serious Flooding
jagerm: Crazy woodwork on the bed
jagerm: The bed was actually pretty scary
jagerm: The most amazing hotel room ever
jagerm: Ohhh Pompidou, we love you
jagerm: More crazy flooding
jagerm: Obligatory
jagerm: More Flooding - check out how the boats can't get by
jagerm: Those wacky French
jagerm: Art
jagerm: Symmetry
jagerm: Massive storms ripped Paris apart
jagerm: Yikes
jagerm: Artsy
jagerm: The origin of Scary Cow?
jagerm: You haven't lived until you've taken the tour of the Paris Sewers
jagerm: These balls are used to clear out the sewers.
jagerm: Eiffel upshot
jagerm: Obligatory
jagerm: Security because of year 2000
jagerm: Nothing says I love you like a big heart made out of skulls
jagerm: Carpe Diem!
jagerm: Paris skyline
jagerm: I heart gargoyles
jagerm: Boo!
jagerm: My postcard shot of the trip
jagerm: One of my favorite pictures ever
jagerm: Pretty pretty
jagerm: Crushed car from storm
jagerm: Paris goodness