Scarlettangelcatcat: Wave to the statue of liberty!
Scarlettangelcatcat: from the Empire State
Scarlettangelcatcat: A view fromt he Empire State Building
Scarlettangelcatcat: Breakfast at Tiffany's?
Scarlettangelcatcat: First glimpse of the Empire State
Scarlettangelcatcat: Times Square
Scarlettangelcatcat: The Imagine Memorial
Scarlettangelcatcat: John's memorial
Scarlettangelcatcat: John Lennon's memorial in Strawberry Fields, Central Park
Scarlettangelcatcat: Cal, Wend & I on the way to the Empire Stae Building
Scarlettangelcatcat: On the bridge
Scarlettangelcatcat: That statue again!
Scarlettangelcatcat: A lovely breakfast diner
Scarlettangelcatcat: Sunday trip to the museum of art
Scarlettangelcatcat: Taken from the helicopter we were in!!
Scarlettangelcatcat: There she is again.
Scarlettangelcatcat: Had to go round the park in the buggy!
Scarlettangelcatcat: Herself, the statue of liberty, shot taken from the Staten Island Ferry
Scarlettangelcatcat: it says it all...
Scarlettangelcatcat: Imagine........
Scarlettangelcatcat: The centre of the Imagine memorial sepia