ScarletBlack: Fall Pathway, Darts Hill
ScarletBlack: Spring Pathway, Darts Hill Garden Park
ScarletBlack: Golden Gingko, Darts Hill
ScarletBlack: Pink Dogwood, Darts Hill Garden Park
ScarletBlack: Crab Apple Archway in Spring, Darts Hill
ScarletBlack: Darts Hill Rhododendron
ScarletBlack: Wisteria, Darts Hill Garden
ScarletBlack: Bent Wood Bench
ScarletBlack: Bench in the Lower Garden
ScarletBlack: October Red, Darts Hill Garden Park
ScarletBlack: Pink Azalea, darts Hill Garden Park
ScarletBlack: Mossy Path with Azaleas, Darts Hill Garden
ScarletBlack: Fall Garden, Darts Hill
ScarletBlack: Bench in the Lower Garden, Darts Hill
ScarletBlack: Fall Pond Darts Hill Garden Park
ScarletBlack: Fall Tapestry, Darts Hill
ScarletBlack: Xanthorhiza simplicissima, yellowroot: Fall Color, Darts Hill Garden
ScarletBlack: Hellebore Bud in the Snow
ScarletBlack: Hellebore Trio, Darts Hill