Shawn Carden Photography: 4-15-2023 McCormick-6
Shawn Carden Photography: Gilbert, Riparian Water Ranch
Shawn Carden Photography: 4-15-2023 McCormick-8
Shawn Carden Photography: 4-15-2023 McCormick-9
Shawn Carden Photography: 4-15-2023 McCormick-10
Shawn Carden Photography: 4-15-2023 McCormick-11
Shawn Carden Photography: 4-15-2023 McCormick-12
Shawn Carden Photography: Canyon DeChelly, (pronounced D'Shea) Navajo Land.
Shawn Carden Photography: Diamond Head view from the road to the Punch Bowl.
Shawn Carden Photography: _MG_7948 copyBW
Shawn Carden Photography: Rainbow Lake Dec. 2020-47
Shawn Carden Photography: Old School House?
Shawn Carden Photography: Old Cannery, Astoria, OR
Shawn Carden Photography: Steer Skulls stacked up near the barn
Shawn Carden Photography: Yaquina Head Lighthouse - B&W
Shawn Carden Photography: Great Blue Heron Roosting on an old Tree Snag
Shawn Carden Photography: 2020 Rainbow Lake-Osprey
Shawn Carden Photography: _MG_1527-2 (1)
Shawn Carden Photography: Monument Valley, Long Shadows
Shawn Carden Photography: Yaquina Head Lighthouse - B&W
Shawn Carden Photography: Artistic [1600x1200]
Shawn Carden Photography: Grisley Oldtimer