scandal christina: Everything's classy in neon!
scandal christina: The Shocker in neon!
scandal christina: Caroline likes her solstice present!
scandal christina: My favorite couple!
scandal christina: Club Awesome starts our weekend off!
scandal christina: Jenne and her cute bangs
scandal christina: The excitement is palpable!
scandal christina: Brittany is smelling Caroline I think
scandal christina: Caroline gets more beautiful every time I see her!
scandal christina: He reads James Joyce AND plays a keyboard!
scandal christina: Dancing fun time!
scandal christina: Brittany can't believe the level of excitement in the club!
scandal christina: Super cute dancing girl who I don't know
scandal christina: Hell yeah keyboard!
scandal christina: I bring cute dancing girl and her friend into our fold with a simple picture
scandal christina: Yeah, clapping!
scandal christina: Dancing and singing!
scandal christina: Will dancing!
scandal christina: More people dancing!
scandal christina: Shadows of Ari!
scandal christina: Hey, we're ready to go!
scandal christina: You can take her out of Spain, but you can't take Spain out of Caroline!
scandal christina: Sharpest dressed man in the U.S. maybe even the world!
scandal christina: Yay, Travis! Dance some more!
scandal christina: Oh, Flo... you are so wonderful
scandal christina: Doog runs security at his place