scampion: Barn in Winter
scampion: Icy Reach
scampion: Snow Bath
scampion: Medley of Green, Blue, and White
scampion: Front Yard Dressed in White
scampion: Western White Cedar
scampion: Citrus with Feet
scampion: Nibbling on Frozen Food
scampion: Looking up
scampion: Song Sparrow and lunch debris
scampion: King of the World... kinda
scampion: Varied Thrush
scampion: A bit of yellow
scampion: Snowing outside, warm inside
scampion: Lordy, it's winter out back
scampion: White on cedar
scampion: Chickadee Creek
scampion: The Calm before the Blizzard
scampion: Junco Carolers
scampion: Flexibility
scampion: Snowbird
scampion: Cold melodia
scampion: The snow comes in on little cat feet
scampion: Backing the car out on freshly fallen snow
scampion: Praying for ice cream next time
scampion: A real-life snow village building
scampion: Cold, both near and far
scampion: Cold Sunset
scampion: A junco getting cold feet