Scammell Amazon: 17:11 hrs. entry slip Woodall MSA sth.bnd. M1
Scammell Amazon: 17:13 hrs. South Yorks. F.E. arrives on scene
Scammell Amazon: 17:13 hrs. crew dismount to tackle blaze
Scammell Amazon: 17:13 hrs. water on
Scammell Amazon: 17:13 hrs. flames doused
Scammell Amazon: 17:14 hrs. smoke and steam obscure motorway
Scammell Amazon: 17:15 hrs. making sure its out
Scammell Amazon: 17:15 hrs. open passenger door to vent cab
Scammell Amazon: 17:16 hrs.HATOs arrive and cone off sliproad
Scammell Amazon: 17:18 hrs. all doors open smoke clears
Scammell Amazon: 17:24 hrs. bonnet up "Yes Sir its safe now"
Scammell Amazon: 17:36 hrs. HATO does the admin. Brigade "Make Up" and depart
Scammell Amazon: 17:37 hrs. job done HATOs re-open sliproad
Scammell Amazon: South Yorks Fire & Rescue Scania P310 Crewcab Emergency One