Dulce Scalla: ♫ BiRdS ♫♫♫
Dulce Scalla: SuRpRiSe oN tHe RoAd
Dulce Scalla: i'm Going
Dulce Scalla: Serra do Mar
Dulce Scalla: see you tomorrow
Dulce Scalla: and the distance,
Dulce Scalla: Yellow in the Blue
Dulce Scalla: in the clouds I see my future
Dulce Scalla: Go Home
Dulce Scalla: Jequitibá
Dulce Scalla: Bubbles
Dulce Scalla: Between blues and roses
Dulce Scalla: La nuvola
Dulce Scalla: Imponent Luxury
Dulce Scalla: Today you can swim in the sky !
Dulce Scalla: Cloud Over
Dulce Scalla: Papillon