adscaife: Tuppence
adscaife: Susie
adscaife: IMG_0005[1]
adscaife: IMG_0004[1]
adscaife: IMG_0003[1]
adscaife: IMG_0002[1]
adscaife: Tuppence
adscaife: Susie in Her Tower
adscaife: Tuppence, Dixie, & Sadie by the Tree
adscaife: Tuppence, Dixie, & Sadie by the Tree II
adscaife: Tuppence, Dixie & Sadie in the Snow
adscaife: Tuppence, Dixie & Sadie in the Snow II
adscaife: Tuppence & Dixie in the Snow
adscaife: Tuppence in the Snow
adscaife: Tuppence in the Snow II
adscaife: The Bird on Her Perch
adscaife: The Bird on Her Perch II
adscaife: The Bird on Her Perch III
adscaife: The Bird on Her Perch IV