SCA UK: John Gordon UKBC 2011
SCA UK: Neil Le Bihan 2nd Place UKBC 2011
SCA UK: Dale Harris 3rd Place UKBC 2011
SCA UK: John Sherwood UKBC Chairman
SCA UK: Hayley Draper Pouring Capps
SCA UK: Hayley Draper's Espresso
SCA UK: Dark Fluid
SCA UK: Neil Le Bihan Pouring Capps
SCA UK: Dale Harris Tamping
SCA UK: Dale Harris Steaming Milk
SCA UK: Dale Harris Espressos for Sig Drink
SCA UK: Dale Harris Sig Drink
SCA UK: Maxwell Colonna-Dashwood Table Settings
SCA UK: Maxwell Colonna-Dashwood Cappuccino
SCA UK: Maxwell Colonna-Dashwood Espresso
SCA UK: Maxwell Colonna-Dashwood Sig Drink Preparation
SCA UK: Alice Cook Serving The Judges
SCA UK: Alice Cook Signature Drink Ingredients
SCA UK: John Gordon Espresso
SCA UK: John Gordon Splitting Milk
SCA UK: John Gordon Creating A Signature Drink
SCA UK: A Sensory Judges View
SCA UK: Coffee Kids T-Shirt Auction
SCA UK: The 6 Finalists