scadwell: View of Bluebird Trail
scadwell: Pseudognaphalium obtusifolium, rabbit tobacco
scadwell: Solidago caesia, blue stem goldenrod
scadwell: Solidago caesia, blue stem goldenrod
scadwell: Erechtites hieracifolia, fireweed
scadwell: Erechtites hieracifolia, fireweed
scadwell: Verbesina alternifolia, wingstem
scadwell: Verbesina alternifolia, wingstem
scadwell: Bidens aristosa, tickseed beggarticks
scadwell: Bidens aristosa, tickseed beggarticks
scadwell: Murdannia keisak
scadwell: Persicaria virginiana, Jumpseed
scadwell: Acrididae, short-horned grasshopper
scadwell: Cirsium altissimum, tall thistle
scadwell: Everes comyntas, eastern tailed-blue
scadwell: Cuscuta gronovii, common dodder
scadwell: Euonymus americanus, Heart's-a-bustin'
scadwell: Euonymous americanus, Heart's-a-bustin'
scadwell: Symphyotrichum lateriflorum, calico aster
scadwell: Mangora placida, Tuftlegged Orbweaver
scadwell: Trichostema dichotomum, forked blue-curls
scadwell: Old Field, Johnston Mill Nature Preserve
scadwell: Trichostema dichotomum, forked blue-curls
scadwell: Mangora placida, Tuftlegged Orbweaver
scadwell: Verbesina occidentalis, yellow crown beard
scadwell: Cirsium altissimum, tall thistle
scadwell: Verbesina occidentalis, yellow crown beard
scadwell: Waiting to dry off and warm up
scadwell: Cirsium altissimum, tall thistle
scadwell: Verbesina alternifolia, wingstem