scadwell: Pilgrims at Picture Creek
scadwell: Picture Creek Diabase Barren, Granville Co., NC
scadwell: Echinacea laevigata (smooth coneflower) seedheads
scadwell: Pinus echinata and weedy neighbors (P. taeda and Juniperus virginiana)
scadwell: Diabase rock
scadwell: Diabase "pea gravel"
scadwell: Shrink-swell cracks in diabase soil
scadwell: Liatris squarrosa, Scaly Blazing Star
scadwell: Liatris squarrosa, Scaly Blazing Star
scadwell: Liatris squarrosa, Scaly Blazing Star
scadwell: Liatris squarrulosa, Appalachian Blazing Star
scadwell: Liatris squarrulosa, Appalachian Blazing Star
scadwell: Liatris squarrulosa, Appalachian Blazing Star
scadwell: Liatris squarrulosa, Appalachian Blazing Star
scadwell: Solidago ptarmicoides, Upland White Goldenrod
scadwell: Symphyotrichum depauperatum, Serpentine Barren Aster
scadwell: Solidago nemoralis, Gray Goldenrod
scadwell: Physostegia virginiana, Obedient-plant
scadwell: Physostegia virginiana, Obedient-plant
scadwell: Milo says, "Behold, Blephilia ciliata" (Downy Wood Mint)
scadwell: Helenium autumnale, Common Sneezeweed
scadwell: Carol Ann says, "Behold, Silphium terebinthinaceum!"
scadwell: Silphium terebinthinaceum, Prairie Dock
scadwell: Silphium terebinthinaceum, Prairie Dock
scadwell: Silphium terebinthinaceum, Prairie Dock
scadwell: Alan says, "Behold, Sorghastrum nutans, Indiangrass"
scadwell: Eupatorium hyssopifolium, Hyssop-leaf Thoroughwort
scadwell: Eupatorium altissimum, Tall Thoroughwort
scadwell: Solidago rigida var. glabrata, Stiff Goldenrod
scadwell: Echinacea laevigata, Smooth Coneflower