sbpoet: equinox - it's a dark and rainy morning
sbpoet: my neighbor brings me magazines
sbpoet: another neighbor visits
sbpoet: getting acquainted
sbpoet: simple, and sweet
sbpoet: something catches her eye
sbpoet: TabbyKitten
sbpoet: morning pond
sbpoet: time to put the summer hats away
sbpoet: equinox sky
sbpoet: dragonfish fountain
sbpoet: deck, flowerpot, fading geranuiums
sbpoet: neighbors' windchime
sbpoet: peeling birch
sbpoet: peeling birch
sbpoet: dogs' ball, on the deck, in autumn
sbpoet: Spike, the bully kitty
sbpoet: Boo, with hand
sbpoet: boo and sb
sbpoet: Boo, the shoulder kitty
sbpoet: mr flexibility
sbpoet: the garden at night, flash
sbpoet: through the night window
sbpoet: indoors, flash
sbpoet: at the bottom of the staircase
sbpoet: time to go upstairs for bed
sbpoet: patient boo
sbpoet: bedtime
sbpoet: bedside
sbpoet: guardians of dreams