sbma44: At Andy's house, before tomorrow's ride. Not pictured: crickets, cicadas.
sbma44: Enemy territory
sbma44: Sunrise at Andy's
sbma44: freedom
sbma44: Cows
sbma44: Technical difficulties
sbma44: POV
sbma44: Harper's Ferry Flea Market
sbma44: Apples!
sbma44: Apple break
sbma44: the rental house
sbma44: Down the hill from the rental house. Quarry? Nathan says it's cold.
sbma44: 40 miles and one beer later
sbma44: Jon makes fire, then bits
sbma44: Sunrises are the best thing about jetlag
sbma44: Charles bought cult cereal
sbma44: Time to hit the road
sbma44: I'll stop instagramming soon, I promise.
sbma44: Jon and some corn
sbma44: Andy and Charles
sbma44: the peloton
sbma44: finish line
sbma44: Ahhh: *AMERICAN* copywriting.