sbma44: the first photo
sbma44: me, scooter and matt
sbma44: emily!
sbma44: the dolphin (from a safe distance)
sbma44: in we go
sbma44: inside the dolphin
sbma44: matt and julia argue about something
sbma44: lee and mike
sbma44: the dolphin
sbma44: jon and matt
sbma44: lee and julia
sbma44: julia and mike
sbma44: matt, crookedly
sbma44: me
sbma44: scooter and jon makin' eyes at each other
sbma44: scooter and jon give philadelphia THUMBS UP
sbma44: waiting for pretzels
sbma44: the pretzelworks
sbma44: the pretzelmaker 5000
sbma44: a pretzely reward for an evening's labors
sbma44: time for bed