sbma44: right about when it started to rain
sbma44: we remained upbeat
sbma44: threatdown!
sbma44: dangers everywhere
sbma44: unnecessary
sbma44: trying to find the real trail
sbma44: the scenic parking lot
sbma44: wolf rock
sbma44: wolf rock
sbma44: wolf rock
sbma44: wolf rock
sbma44: michael and asher
sbma44: rob
sbma44: michael and asher looking for bottomless pits
sbma44: asher considering something
sbma44: IMG_1634.JPG
sbma44: sommer surveying
sbma44: breaktime at chimney rock
sbma44: the view from chimney rock
sbma44: me, in highschool-era t-shirt
sbma44: whu?
sbma44: more of the chimney rock view
sbma44: some bug