258998448: 0032 Joan looking back restaurant
258998448: 0503 Mel Paris street
258998448: 0050 Janet and Larry office
258998448: 0059 Joan rest Mex
258998448: 0362 Mel Joan hugging laughing
258998448: 0347 Mel Shea Stadium
258998448: 0504 Janet Larry cafe Paris
258998448: 0404 Janet sweater pretty
258998448: 0731 Janet funny face
258998448: 0208 Alma
258998448: 0107 Buzzy 1971
258998448: 0118 Truck Regular
258998448: 0061 3 boys
258998448: 0119 2 boys playing with GI Joe
258998448: 0123 Marcia shopping
258998448: 0128 Jim Sutcliffe 1st pic 1972
258998448: 0142 Western diner - man picking his nose
258998448: 0090 Michelle Seiden park
258998448: 0144 Les in painting studio 2
258998448: 0169 Buzzy scrunch face 1971
258998448: 0182 Blurry young black man Times Square
258998448: 0248 Joan having a moment
258998448: 0410 Rae
258998448: Les back of bus RT Molly
258998448: 0220 Swing
258998448: 0225 Jon Jade street 1974
258998448: 0226 Jon in restaurant
258998448: 0299 Les Coffee Cup
258998448: 0267 Jon against white wall
258998448: 0303 Les Striped top smiling