moreauphoto: Grasping wet rock
moreauphoto: Self Portrait
moreauphoto: Water Spray
moreauphoto: Water splash with heavy vignette
moreauphoto: Yellow Tennis
moreauphoto: Divine light
moreauphoto: Train bridge
moreauphoto: End of the line
moreauphoto: Dust in the Wind
moreauphoto: Early morning tractor in field
moreauphoto: Old rusty car
moreauphoto: Crop Duster
moreauphoto: Sarto Iron Bridge
moreauphoto: Sarto in sepia
moreauphoto: A nice spot to rest
moreauphoto: Remnants
moreauphoto: Claire's 2014 Portrait
moreauphoto: Self Portrait 2014
moreauphoto: Bicycle & Waistcoat
moreauphoto: The pile
moreauphoto: Colossus in the mist
moreauphoto: Fairytale stream, litter for effect
moreauphoto: Obsolete in monotone
moreauphoto: A lonesome place
moreauphoto: A violent death
moreauphoto: Antique Portrait
moreauphoto: Winter Day
moreauphoto: Grandmother and grand-daughter
moreauphoto: Workin' Man
moreauphoto: Rainy day self portrait