S. Balcomb: view from the igloo
S. Balcomb: el cap
S. Balcomb: the long house with bundt half built
S. Balcomb: shoes for scale
S. Balcomb: snow sphinx
S. Balcomb: entrance #1
S. Balcomb: sandy and the view
S. Balcomb: bundt
S. Balcomb: igloo wall
S. Balcomb: igloo wall with bundt
S. Balcomb: dan and ariel
S. Balcomb: inside wall
S. Balcomb: buttress with juan carlos, ariel and dan
S. Balcomb: building blocks
S. Balcomb: ariel hands another block up
S. Balcomb: light and water, cold
S. Balcomb: dan trying not to smile
S. Balcomb: juan carlos sawing
S. Balcomb: close up cap
S. Balcomb: THE view
S. Balcomb: half dome
S. Balcomb: the view, again
S. Balcomb: view with footprints in the snow
S. Balcomb: entrance #2
S. Balcomb: (did i climb a tree to get this perspective?)
S. Balcomb: trees and snow
S. Balcomb: yosemite falls
S. Balcomb: seriously