S. Balcomb: santa barbara mission
S. Balcomb: he even said...
S. Balcomb: meals at the mission consist of meat, corn....
S. Balcomb: it prickles
S. Balcomb: it prickles 2
S. Balcomb: monk in the corner and little door
S. Balcomb: god's direct line
S. Balcomb: poor box
S. Balcomb: holy water
S. Balcomb: holy water, closer
S. Balcomb: dark wall with window
S. Balcomb: dark interior
S. Balcomb: dark interior with reflected windows
S. Balcomb: portal
S. Balcomb: banyon tree
S. Balcomb: folding chair with tombs
S. Balcomb: tombs
S. Balcomb: more tombs
S. Balcomb: really old tombs
S. Balcomb: mossy fountain with mission spire in background
S. Balcomb: dad and mom look at the mission
S. Balcomb: dr. seuss tree
S. Balcomb: afternoon walk on the beach
S. Balcomb: oil derricks on the horizon
S. Balcomb: high tide
S. Balcomb: drift wood art
S. Balcomb: the woman in white and the rocks
S. Balcomb: the rocks
S. Balcomb: rocks, closer
S. Balcomb: other rocks