S. Balcomb: living room
S. Balcomb: crown moldings need some work
S. Balcomb: damaged walls
S. Balcomb: missy thinks about the space
S. Balcomb: hardwood floors with paint chips
S. Balcomb: bad bathroom with great tile
S. Balcomb: looking forward to peeling all the bad paint off
S. Balcomb: bathroom tile with missy in the mirror
S. Balcomb: I'm leaning towards a nice putty color in the bedroom
S. Balcomb: great tile in the kitchen
S. Balcomb: but baby puke green walls
S. Balcomb: vintage linoleum
S. Balcomb: the view up my street
S. Balcomb: rug really ties the bathroom together
S. Balcomb: getting organized
S. Balcomb: still a total mess
S. Balcomb: getting the refrigerator magnets in place was an important step
S. Balcomb: two ways to get rid of baby puke green paint: 1) prime
S. Balcomb: or 2) peel the hell out of it
S. Balcomb: the peel, closer
S. Balcomb: i love the new "burndished mahogany" counter
S. Balcomb: the living room is almost done
S. Balcomb: desk area, now with art and curtains