S. Balcomb: disturbed child
S. Balcomb: audrey
S. Balcomb: audrey!
S. Balcomb: ingrid
S. Balcomb: green
S. Balcomb: de young stairs
S. Balcomb: de young with woman on stairs
S. Balcomb: crazy hippies
S. Balcomb: gray day at the beach
S. Balcomb: they're on their own out there
S. Balcomb: green board
S. Balcomb: green board with reflection
S. Balcomb: tracks
S. Balcomb: tracks, closer
S. Balcomb: waiting for the oil to wash ashore
S. Balcomb: DSC_0055 (when my camera decided that it would no longer allow me to focus)
S. Balcomb: although then I realized that no focus was exactly the right mood for the day
S. Balcomb: fuzzy water
S. Balcomb: fuzzy water 2
S. Balcomb: fuzzy water 3
S. Balcomb: green sweater
S. Balcomb: oil on the beach
S. Balcomb: oil on the beach with windmill
S. Balcomb: blurry ocean with bird
S. Balcomb: blurry ocean with bird (not flying)
S. Balcomb: as if the people have suddenly all gone away
S. Balcomb: washed up
S. Balcomb: jelly fish split