S. Balcomb: the maze
S. Balcomb: overpass
S. Balcomb: overpass with train
S. Balcomb: fallen overpass
S. Balcomb: fallen overpass with train
S. Balcomb: bokeh with fallen overpass
S. Balcomb: fallen overpass with train, close
S. Balcomb: fallen overpass with sign and train
S. Balcomb: fallen overpass through the poles
S. Balcomb: the maze, close
S. Balcomb: fallen overpass through the rails
S. Balcomb: overpass with fallen overpass
S. Balcomb: overpass with fallen overpass, close
S. Balcomb: overpass with fallen overpass, closer
S. Balcomb: gawkers
S. Balcomb: gawkers with press
S. Balcomb: fallen overpass with workers through the fence
S. Balcomb: fallen overpass with workers
S. Balcomb: fallen overpass with workers, close
S. Balcomb: fallen overpass wreckage with poles
S. Balcomb: fallen overpass wreckage
S. Balcomb: fallen overpass wreckage, close
S. Balcomb: fallen overpass wreckage, closer
S. Balcomb: watching from the sky
S. Balcomb: watching from the ikea parking garage
S. Balcomb: view the other way