sazztastical: *snigger*
sazztastical: An oversize cycle helmet
sazztastical: Room for one more?
sazztastical: Scaffolding
sazztastical: Doors to the Forbidden Palace
sazztastical: Forbidden Palace
sazztastical: Zzzzzzzz
sazztastical: Forbidden Palace
sazztastical: Forbidden Palace
sazztastical: Forbidden Palace
sazztastical: Soldiers on parade
sazztastical: Beijing Metro
sazztastical: Tian'Anmen Square
sazztastical: Beijing 2008
sazztastical: Tian'Anman Square
sazztastical: People's Memorial
sazztastical: Hutong, Beijing
sazztastical: Hutong, Beijing
sazztastical: Watch out Scully, here I come ...
sazztastical: Street games
sazztastical: No honking
sazztastical: Wired up
sazztastical: No lookie!
sazztastical: Getting measured up
sazztastical: It means good luck, love and longevity
sazztastical: The Great Wall of China
sazztastical: The Great Wall of China
sazztastical: The Great Wall of China
sazztastical: The Great Wall of China