undomestic: Wee Wave
undomestic: This is the sea...
undomestic: Tiny Pools
undomestic: Steps
undomestic: Statue
undomestic: Scotland
undomestic: Scotland Again
undomestic: Ruins
undomestic: How Quaint
undomestic: Like a postcard...
undomestic: Pillars
undomestic: More Pillars
undomestic: Ominous
undomestic: Loyalist Terrotory
undomestic: How Hexy!
undomestic: Jeff Again
undomestic: jMore Jeff
undomestic: Foot hill
undomestic: Irish Countryside
undomestic: Irish Countryside
undomestic: Irish Countryside
undomestic: Irish Coat of Arms
undomestic: The Cliff
undomestic: City Hall
undomestic: City Hall
undomestic: City Hall
undomestic: Whiskey!!!