say71: IMG_4489
say71: Delaware Memorial Bridge
say71: 8th floor of Marriott Times Square
say71: F in NYC
say71: F in NYC 2
say71: F in subway lookin' all glowy
say71: High Line
say71: NYC barriers at rest
say71: From the High Line NYC
say71: Birthday
say71: Rector St station
say71: Dragonfruit in Chinatown NYC
say71: African Burial Ground National Monument NYC
say71: Trinity Church NYC
say71: Trinity Church NYC
say71: Trinity Church NYC
say71: Trinity Church NYC
say71: ??
say71: MJ and moisurized chicken Chinatown NYC
say71: Lin Ze Xu the world's first drug czar in Chatham Square Chinatown NYC
say71: Chinatown meets little Italy NYC
say71: Marriott NYC
say71: Chelsea
say71: Rockefeller Center
say71: Chelsea
say71: Marriott NYC