Say Llama: Up at 4am to go to the Tsukiji Fish Market!
Say Llama: At least we know where we are...
Say Llama: 5 am. Ugh!
Say Llama: We arrive in Tsukiji
Say Llama: Things were bustling
Say Llama: Inside, things were even more busy
Say Llama: Crates
Say Llama: Fish market
Say Llama: Squid
Say Llama: Fish
Say Llama: The tuna auction
Say Llama: dead tuna
Say Llama: dead tuna
Say Llama: tuna cart
Say Llama: checking out the day's catch
Say Llama: Frozen tuna
Say Llama: octopi
Say Llama: fish
Say Llama: This guy was slicing live eels
Say Llama: Eel blood
Say Llama: fish market workers
Say Llama: This guy sliced and diced the tuna... while smoking a cigarette!
Say Llama: Googly eyes
Say Llama: More blood
Say Llama: Not sure what these are!
Say Llama: More fish..
Say Llama: Who's up for breakfast sushi?
Say Llama: The sushi I ate
Say Llama: The sushi place we went to
Say Llama: I love that Japan has hot cans of coffee available at almost every vending machine!