Say Llama: Our plane
Say Llama: Each seat had a mini TV
Say Llama: Getting close!
Say Llama: Dog Bento!!
Say Llama: Cute drawing
Say Llama: Cigarettes are easy to buy here
Say Llama: Our hotel room at the Sunshine City Prince hotel
Say Llama: The view from the hotel room
Say Llama: Day 2: an overcast day!
Say Llama: No smoking abnormally large cigarettes
Say Llama: Entrance to the Meiji Shrine
Say Llama: Tori gate at the entrance to the Meiji shrine
Say Llama: Cute little bridge
Say Llama: Little creek
Say Llama: Sake jugs
Say Llama: Tori gate
Say Llama: Prayer tablets
Say Llama: Prayer tablets
Say Llama: Prayer tablets
Say Llama: Corner store
Say Llama: Kiddyland!
Say Llama: Fairy shrimp!
Say Llama: Cute makeup and beauty section
Say Llama: Capsule station
Say Llama: Japanese Barbie, Jenny
Say Llama: These were my favorite childhood toy
Say Llama: Totoro galore!
Say Llama: Squishy cubes
Say Llama: Blythe case!
Say Llama: Blythes for sale!