Say Llama: My friend Lisa came to visit from Colorado and we went sight seeing!
Say Llama: Mammoth reflection
Say Llama: Mmm... tarry goodness!
Say Llama: One of the cheerful displays at the tar pits
Say Llama: Working men
Say Llama: museum at the tar pits
Say Llama: Lisa is not too impressed with the tar pits!
Say Llama: A man named Hancock
Say Llama: A man named Hancock
Say Llama: Lions at the tar pit
Say Llama: Plant at the tar pits
Say Llama: Mr.Toad's Wild Ride
Say Llama: Lisa outside the castle!
Say Llama: Lisa and I spent a day at Disneyland!
Say Llama: Mickey Mouse?
Say Llama: Disneyland New Orleans
Say Llama: The Haunted Mansion
Say Llama: The Haunted Mansion
Say Llama: Splash Mountain!
Say Llama: Lisa got drenched on Splash Mountain!
Say Llama: Me and Lisa on the Buzz Lightyear ride
Say Llama: I got half drenched on Splash Mountain
Say Llama: Mr. Storkersons
Say Llama: As dusk set in, a murder of crows descended upon Disneyland
Say Llama: Crows flew over Disneyland as dusk set in
Say Llama: Crows at Disneyland
Say Llama: The princess castle lit up with magical icicles!
Say Llama: Ginormous tree!
Say Llama: Ginormous tree!
Say Llama: Lisa tries out the wii!