Say Llama: Craftonite is at Felt Club! Represent!
Say Llama: Craftonite is open for business!
Say Llama: Our table seemed to have a steady stream of traffic!
Say Llama: Craftonite girls unite!
Say Llama: Cecily and Cathy work their magic at the Craftonite booth
Say Llama: Bambi meets another Blythe!
Say Llama: These two ladies adopted some of our budgies!
Say Llama: The boys take over...
Say Llama: The boys take over...
Say Llama: The boys take over the table
Say Llama: The boys take over the table
Say Llama: Will, Aaron and Bambi watch the table
Say Llama: Rob stands watch over the booth while the girls escape to explore Felt Club!
Say Llama: Will and Aaron oversee the table while the girls shop
Say Llama: Bambi and her pet birdy
Say Llama: Cathy rocks her new arm socks!
Say Llama: Budgie tells spookie craftonite stories
Say Llama: Darkness descends upon Felt Club
Say Llama: Felt Club is almost at an end!