Say Llama: Welcome to Craftonite Week 16!
Say Llama: Cecily's snowflakes
Say Llama: Cecily's snowflakes
Say Llama: Cecily and Rob
Say Llama: Aaron works furiously on more birds
Say Llama: Shawn hung out a Craftonite for a while
Say Llama: Joey crochets as Rob works on his secret compartment book
Say Llama: Cecily works on her Blythe sweater
Say Llama: Aaron and Cathy work on birdies
Say Llama: Hermione models Cecily's crocheted coat design
Say Llama: Cecily's snowflakes
Say Llama: Cecily's snowflakes
Say Llama: Cecily fans Aaron with felt
Say Llama: Cecily shows Rob how to do finishing touches on his hat
Say Llama: Joey works on his button designs
Say Llama: Will works on stuff for Felt Club
Say Llama: Aaron and his Budgie Buddy
Say Llama: Tania and her Budgie Buddy
Say Llama: Joey and his crocheted banana
Say Llama: Aaron and Cathy
Say Llama: Birdy Party!
Say Llama: Birdy party
Say Llama: Birdy party
Say Llama: Birdy Party!
Say Llama: Hermione looks snazzy in Cecily's sweater!
Say Llama: Birdy sporting an awesome hat made by Rob
Say Llama: Birdy sporting an awesome hat made by Rob
Say Llama: Birdy Party