Say Llama: Welcome to Craftonite! Week 8
Say Llama: Cecily's Granny Square Bag
Say Llama: Cecily and her bag
Say Llama: Closeup of Cecily's bag.
Say Llama: Closeup of Cecily's bag
Say Llama: Cecily gave me a mystery fun ball!!
Say Llama: My mock-up shark
Say Llama: Aaron made cake!
Say Llama: Aaron takes photos of my mock-up shark
Say Llama: Aaron adds icing to his cake
Say Llama: We hover nearby as Aaron finishes up his cake
Say Llama: Maiteeny and Aaron work hard
Say Llama: Cecily and Bettsy
Say Llama: Aaron tries out his calligraphy skills
Say Llama: Maiteeny, Aaron, Bettsy and Rob
Say Llama: Rob punches out little magnetic dots
Say Llama: Bettsy watches Rob as he punches out little magnetic dots
Say Llama: Cecily and Bettsy's fiance
Say Llama: Bettsy accuses me of taking stealthy photos
Say Llama: Rob plays with magnet dots!
Say Llama: Aaron takes a picture of Rob
Say Llama: Maiteeny and Aaron work on their respective crafts
Say Llama: Rob has skillz!
Say Llama: Rob shows Cecily his handiwork
Say Llama: Aaron tries on his shark head
Say Llama: Aaron tries on his shark head.
Say Llama: Aaron and his shark head
Say Llama: Maiteeny makes progress on her project!
Say Llama: Cecily prepares to sew a lining into her bag
Say Llama: Rob has fun with magnets