Say Llama: Aaron, contemplative, outside the Hollywood Bowl
Say Llama: Will outside the Hollywood Bowl
Say Llama: The Hollywood Bowl
Say Llama: Aaron looking off into space
Say Llama: Tania
Say Llama: Willers
Say Llama: Yay fireworks!
Say Llama: Yay fireworks!
Say Llama: Yay fireworks!
Say Llama: Yay fireworks!
Say Llama: The Hollywood Bowl
Say Llama: Me and Will
Say Llama: Me and sick Aaron
Say Llama: Will's lustrous hair
Say Llama: Hanging out after the concert
Say Llama: Hanging out after the concert
Say Llama: Hanging out after the concert
Say Llama: Hanging out after the concert
Say Llama: Aaron is disgusted with Will's presence!
Say Llama: Me and Will after the concert
Say Llama: Hanh's picnic basket
Say Llama: Extreme closeup Will!!
Say Llama: Extreme closeup Aaron!!
Say Llama: Extreme closeup Tania!!