Say Llama: Welcome to Craftonite Week 5
Say Llama: Will, Rob and Cecily
Say Llama: Will: "Let Craftonite begin!"
Say Llama: My failed attempts to fold little strips of paper into stars
Say Llama: Colorful paper for origami
Say Llama: Rob works on not crafting
Say Llama: Cecily checks out Blueprint magazine
Say Llama: Aaron works on his fridge magnets
Say Llama: I draw a champagne bottle on Aaron's chalkboard table
Say Llama: I draw a champagne bottle on Aaron's chalkboard table
Say Llama: Cecily doodles
Say Llama: Cecily doodles
Say Llama: Cecily draws on the table legs
Say Llama: Cecily draws on the table legs
Say Llama: Will works on freelance
Say Llama: Aaron gives me shifty eyes
Say Llama: Maiteeny's swatch
Say Llama: Maiteeny's swatch
Say Llama: Aaron takes a photo
Say Llama: Cecily takes a photo
Say Llama: Maiteeny draws cake!
Say Llama: Pulling on the Jolly Roger sweater
Say Llama: I try on my Jolly Roger sweater
Say Llama: I try on my Jolly Roger sweater
Say Llama: Me in my Jolly Roger sweater
Say Llama: My "pirate" pose
Say Llama: Will contributes to the table
Say Llama: Aaron's magnet
Say Llama: Aaron's and Cecily's magnets!