sayaya: the worst photographer HIDEKI
sayaya: the worst photographer HIDEKI
sayaya: the worst photographer HIDEKI
sayaya: onigiri itadakimasu
sayaya: picnic @ yoyogi park
sayaya: Love to you both!!
sayaya: sexy
sayaya: under the peach tree
sayaya: purified hands
sayaya: overtime back bend lesson
sayaya: overtime back bend lesson
sayaya: why?
sayaya: tatsuru-kun
sayaya: hiro-chan and tatsuru-kun
sayaya: 1 o'clock?
sayaya: 783-640 no more nayami muyo
sayaya: we are in kabukicho
sayaya: waiting our turn
sayaya: waku waku
sayaya: wrong choice
sayaya: grated radish udon
sayaya: udon lunch
sayaya: tatsuru-kun and me
sayaya: osyare-san
sayaya: long time no see
sayaya: thank you & I like you so much
sayaya: teachers
sayaya: minna
sayaya: "nice to meet you"
sayaya: nakayoshi?