Rebecca Saxton: George dont sit so close to the TV
Rebecca Saxton: George? George? GEORGE? It must be a Serta lol
Rebecca Saxton: Look at that tippie!
Rebecca Saxton: Do you think he's comfy?
Rebecca Saxton: Such a manicure!
Rebecca Saxton: What a life!
Rebecca Saxton: Ahhhhhh Waiter? I'll have another Cosmo. Make it a double!
Rebecca Saxton: Dad, you'll have to sleep on da couch tonight.
Rebecca Saxton: One more, Mom. & then THATS IT!
Rebecca Saxton: Out like a light!
Rebecca Saxton: They are SO cute when they sleep
Rebecca Saxton: Do you think he's comfortable?
Rebecca Saxton: George, I think you need a few more pillows buddy!
Rebecca Saxton: George, you look SO uncomfortable up there! LOL