Sax&Film: Best Friend
Sax&Film: A Boy In A Bath Of Clouds
Sax&Film: In My Eyes You Were Mine
Sax&Film: Ocean City in The Fall
Sax&Film: A Whisper To The Sea
Sax&Film: Best Friend II
Sax&Film: If You Were A Flower I Would Pick You (;
Sax&Film: Don't Tell Me That You Don't Know
Sax&Film: A Change of Perspective
Sax&Film: "This is one of the miracles of love: It gives a power of seeing through its own enchantments and yet not being disenchanted."- C.S. Lewis
Sax&Film: I've been convincing myself that I'm worth while 'cause I'm worth what I'll convince myself to be.
Sax&Film: Apple of My Eye (;
Sax&Film: My Brother
Sax&Film: I'd Rather Forget And Not Slow Down