Josh Haroldson: down the breakwater
Josh Haroldson: rocky shore
Josh Haroldson: wayside rest
Josh Haroldson: cliff path
Josh Haroldson: middle fall cyanotype
Josh Haroldson: an inviting bench
Josh Haroldson: cold coast
Josh Haroldson: cold walkway
Josh Haroldson: driving through silver creek tunnel
Josh Haroldson: falls close
Josh Haroldson: old breakwater
Josh Haroldson: upper falls and pool
Josh Haroldson: silver creek tunnel
Josh Haroldson: spray to heaven
Josh Haroldson: cold waves coming in
Josh Haroldson: upper falls
Josh Haroldson: red rock
Josh Haroldson: i35 north
Josh Haroldson: driving the car
Josh Haroldson: cold waves
Josh Haroldson: out to sea
Josh Haroldson: old building
Josh Haroldson: gooseberry upper falls
Josh Haroldson: crashing waves
Josh Haroldson: gooseberry falls
Josh Haroldson: cold rocks and waves
Josh Haroldson: cold harbor
Josh Haroldson: waves and coast