*97: A real Ninja Turtle ?
*97: Stealth Turtle?
*97: turtle shell problem
*97: turtle feeding
*97: Not the smartest turtle in the pond-
*97: No place to park a turtle-
*97: Army helmet with a handle?
*97: Squeaky clean Sliders-
*97: Bigfoot-
*97: Needs a wash job and some...turtle wax?
*97: This must be Ol' Sandy-
*97: Do I have something in my teeth?
*97: Looks like he had a fender-bender
*97: Sunbath-
*97: Cooter (?)
*97: DSC_01330005
*97: 4-8-07 0250240
*97: Gopher Tales ?
*97: Mom- is this where you met Dad?
*97: Sweet-talk
*97: Turtle Humor
*97: 5 5 07 D40 0110227
*97: Gopher Tortoise
*97: Gopher Tortoise
*97: Florida Snapping Turtle-