I saw_that: Nature Fence
I saw_that: A Wonderful Find
I saw_that: Jay walker
I saw_that: The Photobomb
I saw_that: Patriotic Ice fishing hut, Petrie Island, Ontario
I saw_that: Raven
I saw_that: Off the dock
I saw_that: Taxi on the Malecón
I saw_that: Rideau Falls
I saw_that: Ascension
I saw_that: Byward market selfie v2.0
I saw_that: Sputnik
I saw_that: Flower Wholesellers, Torino
I saw_that: Dem Bones v2.0
I saw_that: Angelika
I saw_that: The Great Hall
I saw_that: Avalon
I saw_that: The Girl in the Plastic Bubble
I saw_that: Niagara Falls, Ontario
I saw_that: Petite France, Strasbourg
I saw_that: Horseshoe Falls, Niagara Ontario
I saw_that: Distracted
I saw_that: Escape from the 100 level
I saw_that: The luthier, Paris, France
I saw_that: Sharon and Alistair
I saw_that: Angie with five year old sea ice
I saw_that: Wheels down
I saw_that: Seasons Greetings from Ottawa-5
I saw_that: Brazilian Street Dance
I saw_that: Port of Havana