I saw_that:
Then a dark storm rolled in
I saw_that:
Ottawa Old City Hall (Explored 30 September 2014)
I saw_that:
Intermission, Kennedy Center
I saw_that:
Escape from the 100 level
I saw_that:
Lake Ontario Pier, Cool Fall Morning
I saw_that:
Manchester protest (Explored 27 September 2014)
I saw_that:
Window Cleaner
I saw_that:
I saw_that:
Big Sister films me photographing her
I saw_that:
End of the day, Santa Cruz, California
I saw_that:
Claude's Pickerel
I saw_that:
Table Rock
I saw_that:
man of steel learning to fly
I saw_that:
You can't get there from here
I saw_that:
Manchester Jazz
I saw_that:
Albert Street commute
I saw_that:
An encounter with Cerberus (Explored April 13 2014 #371)
I saw_that:
Young Urban Professional
I saw_that:
Childhood February 4th 2018 Explore #187
I saw_that:
Gunboat Weekend, Bath Ontario, Explored 13/06/2016
I saw_that:
Broken Home Explored April 26th 2017 #372
I saw_that:
House on the Bay, Apex, Nunavut
I saw_that:
Chasing a pot of gold
I saw_that:
The wind in the oleander
I saw_that:
Big hard sun
I saw_that:
The end of oil