I saw_that: The old man and the tree
I saw_that: Flower Wholesellers, Torino
I saw_that: Emergency Response, Torino (Explored 30/07/2014)
I saw_that: Piazza San Carlo, Torino, 2013 (Explored 31/07/2014)
I saw_that: On the banks of the Po
I saw_that: Crosswalk, Torino
I saw_that: The street card players of Torino
I saw_that: Burning Car, Torino, 2013
I saw_that: Vigili Del Fuoco attack the fire
I saw_that: Bella
I saw_that: Torino crosswalk
I saw_that: Old Town Torino
I saw_that: Spring on the Po
I saw_that: Ristorante