I saw_that: the Luthier
I saw_that: Brazing a tap conductor
I saw_that: The Dude abides
I saw_that: the Craftsman
I saw_that: AcworthYard
I saw_that: Setting a charge
I saw_that: Calling it a day in Acworth Georgia
I saw_that: Window, Georgetown DC
I saw_that: The farmers hand
I saw_that: Window Cleaner
I saw_that: A Journey of a Thousand Miles...
I saw_that: The Electrician
I saw_that: Window Washer
I saw_that: Sand Blasting
I saw_that: Sand Blasting Under an August Sun
I saw_that: Endura Energy
I saw_that: Spiegelworld Empire
I saw_that: Mesmerized
I saw_that: The Vertical Life
I saw_that: Ivaco Steel Mill, L'Orignal, Ontario
I saw_that: Ladder 13 departs the scene B&W
I saw_that: Hoisting Ladle number 4 at Ivaco
I saw_that: The Pianist
I saw_that: The Wedding Shoot
I saw_that: Angie knitting
I saw_that: The Winemaker
I saw_that: 1600 AMP DC Breakers
I saw_that: Ice carver, Winterlude 2019, Ottawa Canada
I saw_that: Fire polishing
I saw_that: Glass blower