Bill Sauro: Port of Marseille, France
Bill Sauro: Ronna Considers Some Postcards
Bill Sauro: Cezanne's Studio Building in Aix-en-Provence
Bill Sauro: Cezanne's Art Studio Plaque
Bill Sauro: Cezanne's Window is Open
Bill Sauro: Cezanne's Studio Back Yard
Bill Sauro: Ronna at Cezanne studio grounds
Bill Sauro: Old Watering Pails are Cool
Bill Sauro: "La Mignarde" Manor House Tour
Bill Sauro: Driveway of the Manor House
Bill Sauro: La Mignarde front
Bill Sauro: Spacious Grounds of Manor House
Bill Sauro: Napoleon's sister lived here for one year
Bill Sauro: Manor House Pool and Fountain
Bill Sauro: Breakfast Buffet for us at the Manor Hosue
Bill Sauro: Our French Hostess Giving Us the Tour
Bill Sauro: Wall Art
Bill Sauro: Dining Room Chinese Wallpaper recently restored by Sotheby's
Bill Sauro: Now That's a Claw Foot on table
Bill Sauro: Music Room with Stage area
Bill Sauro: Manor House Chapel Stained Glass
Bill Sauro: Built in 1792 and Looks It
Bill Sauro: Dueling Dogs of The Manor House
Bill Sauro: Tour of Aix-en-Provence
Bill Sauro: "ABC... Another Bloody Cathedral!"
Bill Sauro: Trees, Too
Bill Sauro: More Cool Shopping Streets
Bill Sauro: French Breads
Bill Sauro: Saturday Floral Market Bonanza
Bill Sauro: French Flowers