The People Speak: Making music videos around Thamesmead
The People Speak: Thamesmead at night. Is it safe?
The People Speak: Does Thamesmead smell?
The People Speak: Problem with littering. On the spot fines
The People Speak: More play areas
The People Speak: Is Thamesmead welcoming?
The People Speak: Time limit on playing computer games
The People Speak: Multicultural restaurant by the water
The People Speak: Halls for hire
The People Speak: Closing all the bridges and walkways around Thamesmead
The People Speak: Having a beach instead of lake
The People Speak: Thamesmead old and new
The People Speak: Is it safe to swim in the water?
The People Speak: Love in Thamesmead
The People Speak: Should all school pupils be treated the same?
The People Speak: Driving everywhere to get food
The People Speak: WhatsApp is for old people. Snapchat is for young people
The People Speak: What subject would you teach at school?
The People Speak: Talkaoke: Thamesmead 50th Birthday Party
The People Speak: Talkaoke: Thamesmead 50th Birthday Party