The People Speak:
Coffee facilities
The People Speak:
Talks and workshops by people, Catlin Moran
The People Speak:
Interesting places to sit and read
The People Speak:
Murder mystery day in the Library
The People Speak:
Happy Hour and drinks in the Library
The People Speak:
Band practise and acoustic sessions.
The People Speak:
Young People learning coding, programming robots
The People Speak:
Town crier, with potable library
The People Speak:
Young people teaching old people computers
The People Speak:
Advertise more, celebrity endorsement
The People Speak:
Story telling
The People Speak:
Vision of a future library
The People Speak:
Having a quiet zone, or quiet hour
The People Speak:
Running computer workshops
The People Speak:
Art gallery in the library
The People Speak:
Problem solving desk
The People Speak:
Repair cafe
The People Speak:
Dystopian future of library
The People Speak:
Sitting in front of telly instead of joining in
The People Speak:
Ancestry day
The People Speak:
Dna test, find out where you're from
The People Speak:
Monty Don workshop