The People Speak: The need for notifications
The People Speak: Jungles in real life vs portrayed on TV
The People Speak: Online profile vs real life - Body image
The People Speak: Women under the spotlight in the media
The People Speak: Exploring magic of VR
The People Speak: Technology and consumerism
The People Speak: Analog tools vs digital tools
The People Speak: Kids embracing minecraft
The People Speak: Bored online - not playing outside
The People Speak: Needing help with lastest tech
The People Speak: Robot conciousness
The People Speak: Who are you, who am I?
The People Speak: Social media overload
The People Speak: Seeing the world through your phone
The People Speak: Drugs and their effects
The People Speak: Suffering with psychosis
The People Speak: Ozzy and drugs
The People Speak: Are doctors evil?
The People Speak: Expressing feelings online