VenessaGold.: unused alley
VenessaGold.: tables and hills
VenessaGold.: shadow portrait
VenessaGold.: rugelach and rosy cheeks
VenessaGold.: praying at The Western Wall
VenessaGold.: pomegranates on the tree
VenessaGold.: pale pomegranates in the shook
VenessaGold.: lights in the tree
VenessaGold.: light house restaurant
VenessaGold.: life in the cracks between bricks
VenessaGold.: in the pool
VenessaGold.: hummingbird in the Galilee
VenessaGold.: makes you feel small
VenessaGold.: green olives on the tree
VenessaGold.: goat having a snack
VenessaGold.: glass bells
VenessaGold.: flowergirl under the arches
VenessaGold.: dinner in Jish
VenessaGold.: chatul
VenessaGold.: brunch at the spa
VenessaGold.: boats in Akko
VenessaGold.: blue tiled table
VenessaGold.: blue glass light
VenessaGold.: bike in the shade
VenessaGold.: asleep on the train
VenessaGold.: the mountains
VenessaGold.: getting my hair done
VenessaGold.: final draft
VenessaGold.: Reading Go Dog Go
VenessaGold.: the fam